How does it work?

At registration, simply check the box of the selected charity from a list. If your desired charity is not included, please select the other category and enter the organization name. (Please see the rules below for details about eligible 501(c)(3) charities.)

Help Your Favorite Charity

One vote will be counted for each finisher, two votes for relay teams. All votes are equal regardless of finish time and or ability.

    Charity Benefit

    The top three charities with the highest number of finishers will each receive a $500 check from Healthy Human Race representatives on behalf of the Rochester Running Club.

      Rules (Click to expand)

      1. Charities must be registered and recognized as 501(c)(3) charities.
      2. All entrants are eligible to indicate their favorite charity at no additional fee.
      3. Non-Profit Board members, volunteers, employees, friends, supporters, anyone is eligible to indicate their favorite charity, but you must be an official entrant in any of the Healthy Human Race events.
      4. There must be at least 10 finishers in any specific charity for the charity to be considered in the Rochester Running Club Charity Challenge.
      5. The Healthy Human Race Half Marathon Relay will count as two participants. The half marathon, half marathon hand cyclist, and 5K will each count as one participant.
      6. When filling out your individual entry, be sure to indicate your favorite charity.
      7. Winning charities will be determined by the number of finishers who have indicated a specific charity prior to official close of registration.
      8. All rules are subject to the interpretation by the Race Director and the HHR Race Committee. All decisions of the HHR Race Committee are final.
      9. Results will be compiled from the information provided by the entrant at the time of entry.
      10. Awards will be given to those charities with the greatest number of participants and will be based on participation and not on competitive times.


      We’d love to help.

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